Thursday, March 22, 2012

Magical Herbs

*By Scott Cunningham*

For my Birthday I was given a book titled "Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs"
I can't wait to research, read and blog about it.
The following are quoted from Scott's book.  Scott Cunningham practiced elemental magic for over twenty years.

Nature has provided a veritable magical pantry in the plants which grow all over our planet.  Since ancient times these plants have been used in magic - the practice of causing change by natural (albeit little-understood) powers.
Though the medicinal properties of plants are fairly well-known - many of the most widely prescribed drugs are synthesized versions of substance originally derived from plants - their occult powers are less accessible.  Much of their magic still lies in the shadow of secrecy.
Our ancestors knew that plants had mysterious, magical powers.  Although the magic in herbs has been forgotten by many, it has never disappeared.  Return to the days when nature spirits dwelled in sacred groves and fairies danced in flower gardens.  
There are magical uses for hundreds of plants:
  • String a garland of marigolds above your door to keep evil from entering your home.
  • Bury vervain around your house and in your house plants - wealth will flow and the plants will thrive.
  • Carry a bag of orris root to attract love.

  • Drink rosebud tea before bed to induce prophetic dreams.

The plant's ruling planet is next, if known.  The bodies (including Sun and Moon) have long been associated with various types of magical needs.  Here is a quick list:
  • Sun:  Legal Matters, Healing, Protection
  • Moon:  Sleep, Prophetic Dreams, Fertility, Peace, Healing
  • Mercury:  Mental Powers, Divination, Psychic Powers, Wisdom
  • Venus:  Love, Friendship, Fidelity, Beauty, Youth
  • Mars:  Courage, Strength, Lust, Sexual Potency, Exorcism, Hex-Breaking, Protection
  • Jupiter:  Money, Prosperity, Legal Matters, Luck
  • Saturn:  Visions, Longevity, Exorcisms, Endings
The ruling element follows, where known.  The four elements are within all things in varying amounts.
This includes herbs.  Each, naturally, has its own use in magic:
  • Earth:  Money, Prosperity, Fertility, Healing, Employment
  • Air:  Mental Powers, Visions, Psychic Powers, Wisdom
  • Fire:  Lust, Courage, Strength, Exorcism, Protection, Health
  • Water:  Sleep, Meditation, Purification, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Love, Friendships, Fidelity
As you read going forward you will see by the above tables, the gender, planet, and element of each plant are intimately related and, to the expert, provide a wide range of magical information.
Since many plants have been associated with divinities through the centuries, deities specifically connected with the plant are listed, if any.  This provides yet another clue the the plant's use in magic, for each divinity has one or more influences attributed to them.  Venus, as a Goddess of love, is a well-known example; herbs sacred to the Goddess Venus may be used in love spells.
A summation of each herb's powers follows for easy reference.  
Here We go ~
ACACIA (Acacia senegal) G
Folk Names:  Cape Gum, Egyptian Thorn, Gum Arabic Tree, Kikwata, Mkwatia, Mgunga, Mokala
Gender:  Masculine
Planet:  Sun
Element:  Air
Deities:  Osiris, Astarte, Ishtar, Diana, Ra

Powers:  Protection, Psychic Powers
Ritual Uses:  The wood is used as fuel in sacred fires in India, and is also used in building temples.
Magical Uses:  A sprig of the tree placed over the bed wards off evil, as it does when tucked into the turban in Eastern countries.  When the wood is burned with sandlewood the psychic powers are stimulated.  Acacia is also used in money and love spells, although in the latter case the outcome would be a platonic love.
See also Arabic, Gum.


(Orchis spp)  Poison.

GENDER - Feminine.

PLANET - Venus.

ELEMENT - Water.

POWER - Love, Happiness.

MAGICAL USES - Carry the two roots in a small bag at all times to attract a love.  If you wish to be free from amatory competitors, also carry the two roots sewn into a small bag.  Given to a couple they ensure continued happiness.


(Erythronium americanum)